Hello! I am Leixian Shen (沈磊贤), a Ph.D student in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Huamin Qu, affiliated with VisLab. Prior to that, I received my master’s degree with honor in School of Software at Tsinghua University, under the supervision of Prof. Jianmin Wang. I have also taken a research internship at Microsoft Research Asia advised by Dr. Yun Wang.

My research interest is to democratize visual data analysis and communication through the intersection of Data Science (DS), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Visualization (VIS), and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). I aim to empower everyone to be the analyst and story director of their data.

If you are interested in my research, please feel free to contact me via lshenaj@connect.ust.hk.

📖 Publications


WonderFlow: Narration-Centric Design of Animated Data Videos

Yun Wang*, Leixian Shen*, Zhengxin You, Xinhuan Shu, Bongshin Lee, John Thompson, Haidong Zhang, and Dongmei Zhang (* denotes equal contribution)

TVCG 2024 | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics


Data Player: Automatic Generation of Data Videos with Narration-Animation Interplay

Leixian Shen, Yizhi Zhang, Haidong Zhang, and Yun Wang

TVCG 2024 | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE VIS’23)


PyGWalker: On-the-fly Assistant for Exploratory Visual Data Analysis

Yue Yu, Leixian Shen, Fei Long, Huamin Qu, Hao Chen

IEEE VIS 2024 | Proceedings of IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (To Appear)


Graph Exploration with Embedding-Guided Layouts

Leixian Shen*, Zhiwei Tai*, Enya Shen, and Jianmin Wang (* denotes equal contribution)

TVCG 2023 | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics


Yuyu Luo, Yihui Zhou, Nan Tang, Guoliang Li, Chengliang Chai, and Leixian Shen

SIGMOD 2023 | Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Management of Data


Towards Natural Language-Based Visualization Authoring

Yun Wang, Zhitao Hou, Leixian Shen, Tongshuang Wu, Jiaqi Wang, He Huang, Haidong Zhang, and Dongmei Zhang

TVCG 2023 | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE VIS’22)


Towards Natural Language Interfaces for Data Visualization: A Survey

Leixian Shen, Enya Shen, Yuyu Luo, Xiaocong Yang, Xuming Hu, Xiongshuai Zhang, Zhiwei Tai, and Jianmin Wang

TVCG 2022 | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics


GALVIS: Visualization Construction through Example-Powered Declarative Programming

Leixian Shen, Enya Shen, Zhiwei Tai, Yun Wang, Yuyu Luo, and Jianmin Wang

CIKM 2022 | Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (Demo Track)

Best Demo Paper Honorable Mention


Visual Data Analysis with Task-Based Recommendations

Leixian Shen, Enya Shen, Zhiwei Tai, Yihao Xu, Jiaxiang Dong, and Jianmin Wang

DSE 2022 | Data Science and Engineering


TaskVis: Task-Oriented Visualization Recommendation

Leixian Shen, Enya Shen, Zhiwei Tai, Yiran Song, and Jianmin Wang

EuroVis 2021 | Proceedings of the 23rd Eurographics Conference on Visualization (Short Paper)

📖 Experience


  • 2023.08 - now, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

    Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering    Advisor: Huamin Qu

  • 2020.09 - 2023.06, Tsinghua University (THU).

    Master in Software Engineering ( Graduation with Honor)    Advisor: Jianmin Wang and Enya Shen
    Thesis: “Research on Task-Driven Visualization Recommendation” ( Excellent Master Thesis of THU)

  • 2016.09 - 2020.06, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NJUPT).

    Bachelor in Software Engineering (Ranked First, Graduation with Honor)    Advisor: Fu Xiao and He Xu
    Thesis: “High-Precision Indoor Wireless Localization Based on UHF RFID” ( Excellent Undergraduate Thesis of Jiangsu Province)


  • 2022.04 - 2023.06, Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA).

    Research Intern in DKI (Data, Knowledge, and Intelligence) Group    Advisor: Yun Wang
    “Star of Tomorrow” Excellent Internship Award

  • 2019.10 - 2020.05, Tsinghua University (THU).

    Visiting Intern in Institute of Trustworthy Networks and Systems    Advisor: Zheng Yang

📖 Selected Awards

Honors and Scholarships

  • RedBird PhD Award of HKUST. 2023
  • “Star of Tomorrow” Excellent Internship Award of MSRA. 2023
  • Outstanding Master Graduates of THSS in THU. 2023
  • Excellent Master Thesis of THU. 2023
  • CIKM 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention (Demo Track). 2022
  • NSF and SIGWeb Travel Grants. 2022
  • First-Class Scholarship for Excellence of THU. 2022
  • Jining Talent Scholarship of THU. 2021
  • Outstanding Undergraduate Graduates of NJUPT. 2020
  • Excellent Undergraduate Thesis of NJUPT and Jiangsu Province. 2020
  • China National Scholarship. 2019
  • Outstanding Student of Jiangsu Province. 2019
  • Innovation Pioneer of NJUPT (Only ten in NJUPT). 2019
  • NIIT Corporate Scholarship of NJUPT. 2019
  • Hengtong Optoelectronics Scholarship of NJUPT. 2018
  • China National Scholarship for Encouragement. 2018
  • Outstanding Youth Volunteer Pioneer of NJUPT. 2018
  • China National Scholarship. 2017
  • Best Student Model of NJUPT. 2017, 2018, 2019
  • First-Class Outstanding Student Scholarship of NJUPT. 2017, 2018, 2019

Competition Awards

  • Provincial Grand Prize. “Challenge Cup” Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition. 2019
  • National First Prize. “3S Cup” College Student IoT Technology and Application Competition. 2018
  • Provincial Grand Prize. College Student Computer Design Competition. 2018
  • National Second Prize. College Student Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. 2018
  • National Third Prize. Next Generation Internet Technology Innovation Competition. 2019
  • National Third Prize. “China Software Cup” College Student Software Design Competition. 2019
  • Third runner-up. Aliyun Tianchi Qianli Ma Competition. 2018


  • CERNET Next Generation Internet Technology Innovation Program, 2018.12~2019.12.
    “Smart Library System Based on RFID and IPv6 Network”, Principal Investigator (¥ 100,000).
  • NJUPT-YTO Joint Laboratory Innovation Program, 2018.08~2019.08.
    “Modern Logistics Management System Based on RFID and NB-IoT”, Principal Investigator (¥ 20,000).
  • National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, 2018.05~2019.05.
    “High-Precision Indoor Wireless Localization Based on UHF RFID”, Principal Investigator (¥ 20,000).

📖 Service

  • Area Chair: CHI LBW 2024.
  • Conference Reviewer: IEEE VIS 2022-2024, CHI 2024 (Two Special Recognitions for Outstanding Reviews), CSCW 2023, EuroVis 2023-2024, IUI 2023, PacificVis 2023, IDC 2024, ChinaVis 2022-2024, C&C 2024.
  • Journal Reviewer: TVCG, IJHCI.
  • Conference Volunteer: BAAI Conference 2020-2022 (Excellent Editor).
  • Teaching: TA for COMP4431 Multimedia Computing, HKUST.